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A Collection Of The Best Short Inspirational Quotes

Everything You Need to Know About Inspirational Quotes

A collection of the best short inspirational quotes

Here are 100 short inspirational quotes for you I’ve been collecting and using them since 2004. And one thing I’ve learned is this.

In this article, we share with you 157 of the best short quotes of all time. We have quotes about happiness and love, sayings about life, and more. These quotes are sure to inspire and motivate you, no matter what you're going through.

Here are 55 of my favorite short quotes for you to read, remember, and retell:

  • "Love For All Hatred For None."
  • "Find joy in everything you choose to do." - Chuck Palahniuk
  • "Positive energy knows no boundaries." - Lu Wei

If you're looking for short quotes specifically for motivation to run your errands, to start or finish an important project, to go work out at the gym, or to get through a tough time, we have you covered. These quotes will help you stay focused and motivated, no matter what challenges you're facing.
